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Welcome to Troop 380

Established in 2019, and with 7 Eagle Scouts in our short history, Troop 380 is affiliated with the Masonic Lodge of Huntington Beach. This Scouting unit, is founded by a group of highly experienced and recognized Scouters within the Pacifica District looking to expand the opportunity that is Scouting to more youth in our community. The troop is founded on the precept that with Fun, the Outdoors and the Character Building focus the Boy Scouts of America brings, every youth has the opportunity to realize their dreams.

Join Troop 380

Join Troop 380!

Check out our photographs to see everything we have going on ! {Click Here}
  • Here’s an Informational Flyer to learn a little more about us and some things you should ask every troop you visit!
  • Join our Facebook page to stay in touch with our activities!
  • Check out our Video the boys came up with to show off who we are!

More Information

Look around our website! Clearly we’ve been very busy despite all the challenges. Take a look at our Videos or Pictures for the whole story. Meeting Monday Nights! Contact our Scoutmaster for meeting times and locations!! Our Scoutmaster

Current Activities

Meeting Location

Tamura Elementary School, 17340 Santa Suzanne Fountain Valley CA
Click Here for a Google Map

There are times when we’re out and about on adventures. Please let us know if you’d like to visit. You are always welcome! Our Scoutmaster

Founding Principles

  • Troop 380 is a youth led troop
  • Don’t do for a boy, what he can do for himself
  • Making boys into good men
  • A successful unit is a balance of Fun, the Outdoors, Community Service and Skills
  • A Scoutmaster’s job is to provide “what’s missing”
  • The skills a Scout learns are “tools” in their toolbelt. They may not inherently know how to use those tools but using the EDGE process (Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable) Scouts will learn to be confident in their abilities
  • The Aims and Methods of Scouting will be our guide